Corporate Collaboration

The School of Science cooperates in diverse ways with industry and commerce. Lately, especially the role of research-intensive start-ups as partners and employers has grown.

Corporate collaboration in the School of Science is based on customer-oriented services, joint projects and long-term partnerships. The needs of industry and commerce are also taken into account in the development of teaching and learning. MSc (Tech) and PhD (Tech) graduates are employed in a wide variety of different business tasks.

The aim of Aalto University Partnership Services is to promote cooperation between the university and companies, and to systematically support long-term partnerships by providing companies with contacts, networking events and opportunities for research and educational co-operation. Also departments, other units and student guilds act as channels for collaboration. 

Opportunities for cooperation in the research field extend from research projects and programs to large scale infrastructure cooperation. In the field of education opportunities for cooperation, for their part, extend from course visits and guild cooperation to carrying out theses and student projects. The school’s electronic theses can be found on the Aalto University Library website.

The School of Science is backed by strong cooperation with companies at the leading edge of development and  also SME’s. Corporate collaboration is an essential part of the university’s third role and it furthers the commercialisation of research results.

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