International partner universities and networks

Students of the School of Science can choose their student exchange places from 115 partner universities around the world. The School of Science has four field specific double degree programmes within networks, which include 19 leading European universities.

International partner universities

Strong collaboration with selected partners both in student and staff exchange as well as in variety of education projects is one of the tools in internationalization of School of Science. Our aim is to

  • foster co-operation and mobility between School of Science and universities in Europe and outside Europe
  • further develop the portfolio of bilateral exchange agreements with non-European partners
  • manage and develop an efficient student exchange scheme
  • participate in international cooperation networks and projects
  • support the development of joint study programmes

Please look here for the full list of the partner universities of School of Science.

Questions concerning international partner univerisities of School of Science? Please see the contact details.

Page content by: | Last updated: 19.10.2015.